Module cannot be used in this cockpit mode
Module cannot be used in this cockpit mode

All Xbox platforms now support AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 technology, providing high image quality and improved framerates.This technology allows the game to maintain a consistent framerate across all scenarios, and results in a significantly improved image quality in some situations, such as during spaceflight. Dynamic Resolution Scaling has been added for all Xbox platforms.New player titles have been added for those brave enough to battle corrupted Sentinels.A new mission is available at the Nexus, requiring players to work together to destroy the new machinery found on corrupted worlds.These mysterious abandoned encampments are home to many secrets… A new building type, the Harmonic Camp, has been added exclusively to corrupted worlds.Newly corrupted worlds that previously had superheated rainstorms have new and stranger storms.Corrupted worlds have a new unique lighting/visual effect.New refiner recipes have been added for corrupted Sentinel resources.Corrupted Sentinel planets have their own unique resources and objects.Corrupted worlds are also home to dissonance resonators, strange extraction machines guarded by corrupted Sentinels.Corrupted worlds have their own unique array of planetary Sentinel forces.Some planets that previously generated extreme sentinels have now become corrupted worlds.

module cannot be used in this cockpit mode

  • A new unique resource has been added as collectable loot from these corrupted quadrupeds.
  • The swarm variant is more aggressive in melee range, and will self-destruct at low health levels…
  • These enemies come in both large single varieties, and a smaller, swarming variety.
  • Their highly mobile body and leg setup allows rapid sideways movement and continual player tracking.
  • This heavily-armoured semi-arachnid machine benefits from its own stealth mode and long-distance pounce attack, as well as a flamethrower and grenade based weapons.
  • A large, ground-based corrupted Sentinel unit has been added.
  • Corrupted drones now choose from a range of weaponry, including rapid fire projectiles a close-range blaster long-distance grenades and a flamethrower.
  • Corrupted drones now make better use of cover.
  • Corrupted Sentinel drones can now heal each other.
  • Corrupted Sentinel drones have been reworked visually.
  • module cannot be used in this cockpit mode

    Sentinel Quadrupeds can now use active camouflage to cloak themselves while evading player attacks.Sentinel Quadrupeds now have a wider range of targeting, allowing them to track players without having to reposition.

    module cannot be used in this cockpit mode

  • Sentinel Quadrupeds are now more mobile in combat, moving frequently and making better use of their pounce and jump attacks.
  • A number of improvements have been made to the locomotion system for Sentinel Quadrupeds, reducing visual glitches and jittering.
  • Player-owned interceptors have a unique planetary flight model, with the ability to hover.
  • Player-owned interceptors have a unique cockpit.
  • Player-owned interceptors use their own unique array of core technologies, though they still benefit from the installation of general starship upgrades.
  • There are a variety of ways to locate a downed interceptor, including destroying a Sentinel capital ship completing a bespoke story encounter defeating new corrupted Sentinel planetary forces and via mysterious new abandoned encampments.
  • A unique repair mission has been added to guide players through the salvage process.
  • Players are now able to track down and repair a crashed Sentinel interceptor in order to repair it and claim it for their own fleet.
  • Hostile Sentinel interceptor starships are now procedurally generated from a wide variety of parts.
  • #Module cannot be used in this cockpit mode Patch#

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    Module cannot be used in this cockpit mode